Hi everybody!
Today we did in Gothenburg a lot of things, so let’s see a summary of the classes:
- The idea of the quality of the movement. One idea can change your dance. We practised going up on 1 and down on 3.
- A nice combination. I think, the most important thing was the cambre, with a good preparation for the ladies, the pelvis to the front, and for the guys to lead the lady with your body and respecting her movement, don’t force her to go faster than she can.
- Some ideas to correct the posture. The psychological state of mind influence your body. Be happy about the music, about dancing, about meeting people and let you probems outside the dance floor.
- And the last thing was the step being behind the lady after a left turn. „First the lady“.
So! I had a really nice time in Gothenburg with you and the lovely Anna. I hope we see us very soon (in Gothenburg…or in Bremen!). Ryanair makes it possible
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