Zouk made in Germany

Free dance lessons

Author: Fernando (page 5 of 32)

20.09.15. Beginners 2. Bringing the lady around of you from the lateral step.


For the guys: Think about the tension with the arm of the lady for this step. Another important point is how to give some energy to have the lady in front of you again: The first two steps the lady goes to the front but the third step the lady has to come back to her right foot. You will let your left hand slide till you have her hand.

For the ladies: Don’t go alone to the front, you have to stay back. In this way, the guy can lead you. You go around of the guy with your upper body to him. The right arm have a connection with the back of the guy and it means, you have to press against his back.

Have fun!

16.09.15. Intermediate. Turning and bending the lady from the titanic step.


For the guys: The most important thing is the position of your arms while turning the lady and bringing her down. Think about, the lady has to go her steps on the line. Go with her up if you hear an accent in the music.

For the ladies: Your head is following your shoulders. If your left shoulder is down, your head is to the left. Wait and go up with the guy.

Have fun!

16.09.15. Intermediate. The flick from a left turn.

Hi everybody!

The flick it’s a nice move to play with the hand of the lady and to do a something different at the dance floor.

For the guys. We show two moves, the first one without flick. At the party, if you are not sure about if the lady will understand the flick, do the first variation and then you can try the second one.

For the turn: Do you want that the lady goes down? Then you have to do one preparation up. She should do a turn on the line. That’s the reason why at the beginning you are travelling with the lady. Leading the flick you will transfer the weight with the lady like in a mirror.

Ladies: Don’t go too much down dancing the first part, just a little bit on your knees, don’t bend too much your upper body to the front. Watch Claudia’s ladystyling: She is looking at her hand while painting the circle.

Have fun!

15.09.15. Intermediate. Elastic going backwards and through the tunnel


Here you can see the combination we did the last two weeks.

Have fun!

15.09.15. Beginner. Pseudo-ioio

Hi everybody!

Today we repeat this step:


Big hug,


13.09.15. Beginners. Improving the bumerangue: Some details


We want today not to explain the hole bumerangue but to speak about some details:

  1.  Opening into the line. Guys, you can choose how fast the lady is landing.
  2.  Ladies:
    1. You go down in your plié.
    2. Your hips are parallel to the floor and your pelvis is straight.
    3. If you go with the left you will slide.
  3. Guys, watch the video for your new footwork.

Have fun!

Big hug,


13.09.15. Intermediate. Turning the lady on the line like a DJ and cambré


Important for the guys: Don’t be rude with your lady. Play with the contact (while watching the video try to understand how to stop the lady with the contact).

Important for the ladies:

  • Your head is going with your shoulders, following them.
  • While turning you have a contraction in your center. This contraction is the preparation for your cambré.

Have fun!

13.09.15. Intermediate. Left turn on the line with both arms and pseudo ioio.


Important for the guys:

  • Try to understand the steps of the lady, in this way you will block the lady at the right time.
  • Looking in one direction other in other direction will help you to do the move.

Important for the ladies:

  • Focus on your partner.
  • If the guy relaxes the arms to do some move remember to relax your arms too.

Have fun!

09.09.15. Intermediate. Combination: Changing the hands and turning the lady behind of us.

Some important things about this step.

Guys: Pay attention about the grip of your hands and learn when do you have to look to the right or to the left, because in this way you will move your upper body too and it’s very helpful for the leading.

Ladies: The ladystyling at the end it’s very nice. Take care about your elbows and bring them up only if you know that your partner is far away from you and you cannot hit him.

Have fun!

08.09.15. Intermediate. Elastic going backwards from the lateral step.

Elastic going backwards is a very important leading for the guys. You need to learn this step first from the basic step. At the beginning the lady goes back with the foot but she doesn’t transfer the weight to the left. You will paint a circle after that with your leading for the lady to do the elastic (watch the video, this explanation is important for you).

To do this move from the lateral step is very similar. The last variation changing the hands is a little bit different because you want that the lady goes a little bit up on 2.

The next week we will continue with this step.

Big hug from Bremen,


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