Hi everybody!
We have today a nice move to learn how to play with the tension.
For the guys:
- After the left turn of the lady (with the right hand up and the left hand down) try to control the hip of the lady with your left hand, so you can block her if she is going to the front.
- The most important thing about this step is to learn to make some tension up if you are leading the elastic and after that to relax this tension, so the lady feels like natural to go down.
- If your right hand is down you will try to change the grip of your hand to connect better with the hand of the lady.
- One possibility: just bring the lady up, turn body to the left and continue dancing.
- The second one: you bring the lady back and again to the front, opening a window for the lady with your right elbow to the right and up. Make sure, the lady do the snake and have enough space.
For the ladies:
- For the elastic you open your chest and you bring your head a little bit back.
- If you are down keep the tension with the arm of the guy, your hand is connected with your shoulder. Wait for the leading.
- If you are doing the snake try at the end to bring you r head up with some energy. In this way you won’t have any hair (or less hair
) on your face.
Have fun!
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