Zouk made in Germany

Free dance lessons

Category: 1. Sundays (page 4 of 8)

21.06.15. Dancing with control and not like a robot.


Control your moves while dancing is very important because we are not robots! If you want to play with your partner or with the music you have to control every single step.

This kind of exercises helps you to improve the quality of your dance.

We repeat today this step also:


Have fun!

14.06.15. Beginners 1. Little opening to the right.


Today we did the little opening to the right and you can check the step following this link. Have fun!


Big hug,


14.06.15. Beginners. The door with a right turn at the beginning (from basic step and from lateral step).


Today we will learn “the door” starting the step from the basic step or from the lateral step with a right turn.

For the ladies: You will go always your third step on the spot and you try to turn your upper body to the guy.

For the guys. There is one important thing in this step. You have to pay attention while going into your turn and changing the hands (your left goes down, right goes up). Try to be close to the lady because in other way the step will be uncomfortable for the lady. Both arms should be in a line with the shoulders. It doesn’t feel good if her arms are behind of her shoulders. At the end you are leading the lateral step to your left.

07.06.15. Beginners 2. Turn on the line to the left with a left turn for the guys.


A lot of times we are dancing a left turn on the line and the guys can easily do the step more interesting.

We give you two possibilities:

1. The guys turn the lady and after leading her turn they turn to the left. It’s very important to think about getting the lady after her turn, so you have a focus for your turn.

2. While the lady is turning to the right, the guys can turn to the left and after that lead the last turn of the lady. For this possibility watch the video to see how to change the grip of your right hand and how to lead the turn. Important: feel the tension with the arm of the lady, so you can bring her into the line.

Have fun!

07.06.15. Beginners 1. Lateral.


Today we did the lateral step. You can watch the video following this link:


Have fun!

31.05.15. Beginners 1. Cross step with a left turn for the guys.

Hi everybody!

Today we did this step in the class:


Have fun!

Bug hug,


31.01.15. Beginners 2. New possibilities for the titanic step.


We continue working on the titanic step with a new beginning and some new possibilities.

The new beginning is just a turn to the right for the guys while they are bringing the ladies to the left in the lateral step. For the turn watch the video because you need a new grip for the hand and after that you have to feel the tension with the partner.

We saw today three possibilities for the titanic:

– Playing transfering the weight.

– A simple turn on the line repiting the titanic to the other side. Guys: watch the video to see a trick for you to get the hand of the lady at the right time.

– A long turn on the line (to the left and to the right, bumerangue or bumerangue reverse).

Have fun!

17.05.15. Beginners. Elastic.


Today we did the elastic and here you find the video and the explanation.


Have fun!

17.05.15. Intermediate. Titanic step with turn on the line and head movements.

Hi everybody!

Today we have a very popular step for the zouk world. We want to do turns on the line with head movements after the titanic step.

For the titanic, guys, you have to go backwards, bring the lady first to the front and if the lady is transfering the weight to the right you have to lead the turn. Then you change the hand and you have to be ready, because you need to get the left arm of the lady with your left hand to stop the lady. You are going just two steps and at the end, if you are landing with your partner on your right foot, you change the position of your hands like in the video to bring the head of the lady to the side. For the head movements try to support the lady the hole time with your left hand and with the right hand you lead the head movement. You are going with your partner.

For the ladies. When you feel that your partner plays with your shoulder line you have to go with the head to the side and not to focus with the eyes, relax your neck. For the turns on the line, the first step you just go (don’t move your head), the second step you bring your head to the front and the third step you open to the side. The second step is very important for you: put your chest in, go a little bit on your knees and your head is over your center. Don’t think about just going with the head to the front because in this way you will loose your balance. On the video you have a easy possibility for your ladystyling.

At the end you can do the bumerangue step.

Have fun!

10.05.15. Beginners 1. Cross step.

Hi everybody!

Today we’ve learnt the cross step:


Have fun!

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