Dear people,
today we have learnt a very beautiful step for the beginners: the bend to the front or elastic.
The idea is we have big energy and tension leading the lady up, this tension disappears suddenly and the lady falls down like in slow motion.
Steps for the lady: we go with our foot first, our hips, we open the chest and stretch the neck. After that we bend to the front with a little bit drama. It’s very importat to learn this part very good because you will use it a lot of times dancing zouk. By going backwards we bring our left arm up.
Guys: do your steps with your upper body facing the lady. By one the leading goes in diagonal to you and up (tension) and after that you let the hand of the lady free (relax and bend for the lady). At the time you let the hand of the lady free, you have to put soft your right hand on the belly of your partner. So yoour lady knows where you are everytime.
März 11, 2015 at 8:08 am
Hallo Fernando, ich weiß nicht wie ich die letzte Aufnahme vom Montag in Oldenburg aufrufen kann, oder schickst du sie mir noch mal? Ganz lieben Dank Heidrun
März 11, 2015 at 5:12 pm
Liebe Heidrun, sehr schön, dass Du Seite anguckst
Hier hast Du es: