Normally if we are teaching this step in the class the guys are very happy, because it’s a easy step but you look cool
Guys, for this turn you have to learn to put your right hand in the place of your left hand. In addition you focus on your partner on 2. On 2 you have to look to your partner to your right side. Try to be a little bit faster than the lady.
For the ladies: Watch the video to know what to do with arms.
For the guys: We start the combination from the lateral step bringing the lady to the right. On 1 you will change the hand (watch the video to see how). Feel the tension with the lady and bring the lady around of you, looking to the left for her to go to your left side. If the lady is going on 1 with the right, you can push the lady, for her to be in front of you. Don’t forget to slide your left hand till you get her right hand. After the left turn yoou need some distance to lead the new variation of the elastic step. For not to hit the lady, look on 3 with the left to your left and get the lady with your right hand on 1.
For the ladies: don’t go alone around the guy. You can make some resistance for keeping the connection with your partner. Keep the connection too with your upper body to your partner.
You can dance the prison step from one side to the other. It’s the same if you have danced the prison step to the left or to the right.
Guys, the first two steps you will turn the lady. The third step you will change the hands: one hand goes down and the other goes up. The forth step you want to keep the contact between your hand and her hips, you are holding just the fingers of the lady to have more space. Then you open with the fifth step.
Ladies, you are dancing this step like for an audience: you turn on the line and at the end your body is to the front, not to your partner.
You can end this step this the bumerangue (reverse if you start on the left side and normal bumerangue if you start on th eright side).
Today we want to speak about the connection with the partner for the ladies while dancing the bumerangue step.
Ladies: Imagine you are dancing the basic step in the close position and without belly contact with your partner. Then you have to focus on the hand on your back and you have to keep the connection with the hand. You think the hole time, you keep the connection back. If the guy is going to the front, you have to go active backwards for not to loose the contact.
We have something similar to this connection while dancing the bumerangue step. At the beginning the lady goes with a little bit resistance but when she goes to the other side, she has to go active backwards to keep the connection with the guy.
We did today some exercises to improve our leading and follower skills:
Transfering the weight and walking. This exercise was very good for the guys to understand how to lead the lady, if you want that she cross to the front or backwards.
The second exercise with the head was good to understand the differences between painting circles with the leading or just bringing the head from one side to the other. Ladies: For your head movements think always on stretching the opposite side of your body.
Today we did a nice step to practise the tension in the arms between the leader and the follower.
Guys: You will bring the lady with you right hand always around you, feeling the tension between both arms. You keep with your left hand the lady close to you. If the lady goes on 1 with the right again, you will pull her into the line and lead the bumerangue reverse.
Ladies: Stay with your upper body to your partner. You will walk around your partner because your partner is leading you, keep the tension with the arm and don’t go alone. Remember for the bumerangue reverse: It’s a turn on the line.
It’s very nice if you have more than one possibility for every step. In this way you can always play with the music and at the same time the lady doesn’t know what’s coming and she learns to follow better.
Today we are doing the lateral with the guy behind the lady. We give you three possibilities:
A normal wave.
An elastic.
A cambré.
For the guys: Try to lead with your body and check if the lady is following you.
For the ladies: Keep the connection with the hands of the guy, it’s very easy to lose the contact here.
A very short explanation about how to do the circles with the chest from the basic step staying on the spot. Your body needs some exercise to do this moves fluent. Be patient. Control your shoulders and your hips, you want to separate the move of your chest.
After that we did today a combination:
For the combination there are some important things for the guys and the ladies.
For the guys: After the left turn you will bring the lady to your left with your right hand on the left side of her body. Block the lady going like in slow motion. Your leading is painting a circle but please don’t forget the leading of the chest of the lady to the front and back.
For the ladies: If the guy is playing with your chest, please, press a little bit (not much) against his hands. In other way you cannot feel the leading. If the guy is leading the wave, you have you right free and you go with your right to the front.