Zouk made in Germany

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Category: C. Intermediate (page 2 of 13)

06.10.15. Beginners / Intermediate. Turning together on the spot to the right and ending in the cross step.


Today you have to pay attention to the transition between both moves: The energy of the turn on the spot has to take you to the cross step. For the guys is very important to open to the right (bring your right shoulder to your right) and continue to movement, for the ladies to focus on the upper body of the partner.

Have fun!

05.10.15. Intermediate. Combination: Travelling togehter, opening from the basic step, bumerangue reverse and elastic.


It was our combination in Oldenburg today.

Remember: You are watching here just steps. But zouk it’s not about doing a lot of steps. It’s about dancing. If you are trying for yourself learn carefully the technique and after that dance the step. Put your heart on it.

Have fun!

04.10.15. Intermediate. Combination: Opening from basic step, bumerangue reverse and elastic.


Today we learn a nice combination for opening the position from the basic step.

Two important things:

  • Pay attention about the leading for the opening and go on your knees while landing.
  • Slide for making the bumerangue reverse more beautiful.

Have fun!

29.09.15. Intermediate. The connection between the feet and the upper body and turning on the spot together.


Good dancers can do one thing really good: the basic step. That’s the reason we spent today some minutes improving our basic step:


And we repeat the turn on the spot together:


See you next week!

28.09.15. Beginners / Intermediate. Repeating the last steps we did.

Today we repeat all these steps in the class:




27.09.15. Intermediate. Combination: Pseudo-elastic, bringing the lady around of you and the thrower.

A nice combination putting a lot of elements togehter.

For the guys: Ask yourself, where is the tension of the leading? How to lead the pseudo elastic clearly? How to bring the lady around of me?

For the ladies: Feel the leading of your partner. Just because your partner has your hand up it doesn’t mean, he wants to turn you. Going around the guy is a nice opportunity to play with your hips.

For the last step: watch the video to see how many steps you have to go at the end.

Big hug,


23.09.15. Intermediate. Combination: Turn for the guys, spiral and flick.

With this combination you will do the normal combination lateral / left turn more special (with a turn for the guys and a spiral for the lady) before you do the flick we did the last week.

  • For the turn of the guys: Guys, you turn, but you don’t forget to lead the lady the hole time.
  • For the spiral of the ladies: Think on stretching your upper body while doing the spiral, it’s about growing.

Here you have the explanation wih the flick:


21.09.15. Intermediate. Travelling with the lady in the close position.


We did today this step in Oldenburg.


Have fun!

16.09.15. Intermediate. Turning and bending the lady from the titanic step.


For the guys: The most important thing is the position of your arms while turning the lady and bringing her down. Think about, the lady has to go her steps on the line. Go with her up if you hear an accent in the music.

For the ladies: Your head is following your shoulders. If your left shoulder is down, your head is to the left. Wait and go up with the guy.

Have fun!

16.09.15. Intermediate. The flick from a left turn.

Hi everybody!

The flick it’s a nice move to play with the hand of the lady and to do a something different at the dance floor.

For the guys. We show two moves, the first one without flick. At the party, if you are not sure about if the lady will understand the flick, do the first variation and then you can try the second one.

For the turn: Do you want that the lady goes down? Then you have to do one preparation up. She should do a turn on the line. That’s the reason why at the beginning you are travelling with the lady. Leading the flick you will transfer the weight with the lady like in a mirror.

Ladies: Don’t go too much down dancing the first part, just a little bit on your knees, don’t bend too much your upper body to the front. Watch Claudia’s ladystyling: She is looking at her hand while painting the circle.

Have fun!

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