Zouk made in Germany

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Category: D. Advanced (page 3 of 3)

03.02.15. Advanced. Spiral 2.


We did a very cool move in Bremen today . The zouk world call it “spiral” (we have two kinds of spirals, today we did just one) and maybe the dancers from MZouk (Spain, I hope, we can speak in the future slowly about Meister Gege and the spiral dancers) were the first on create this step (I prefer to say not create but “discover” for the rest of the zouk world).

A spiral is a special turn, where the axis of the turn is not the classical axis in a line (90° to the floor) with the head straight but with the head in another direction.

We did a exercise to practise the movement of the head. Here the lady put the head on chest of the guy and turn keeping the contact and looking up and down while turning.

Then we did a turn with a spiral. Five things:

1. Guys, the leading is like painting a circle.

2. The lady is crossing always with the right (if you are turning to the left, your are turning now aroung your left foot).

3. Ladies: keep the center strong.

4. Ladies: your body has to follow your arm, don’t go with the body first.

5. Fix a point on the floor and use it for keeping the direction of your head.

For the guys: if you want to turn you need to continue leading with the idea of painting a circle. If the lady if behind of you, dann you change the hand and don’t stop with the leading.

Have fun and see you next week!

27.01.15. Advanced. Head movements behind the lady and turns with head to the side.

Hi everybody!

So many things to say! It’s very nice to start again with the advanced course in Bremen.

For the ladies: you have to look always for the contact with the guy, even if this contact is on your back. If you feel the arm of the guy, you press against the arm (not too much, because in this case you will be heavy for the guy).

For the guys: the leading is like a “V” on the back of the lady. While painting the circle on the front you turn the hand putting the palm of the hand up, so the lady has more space. While painting the other half of the circle you continue with the contact and you bring your left hand to the axle of the lady, so you can lead the turns after the circle.

Ladies: for the circle on the front you go down, pelvis to the front, your chest is in. While turning let the head fall to the left side and when the guy is bringing the hand down, you paint the circle to the front. Don’t forget to contract your center for don’t lose your balance. Next week we repeat it!

The second step. Guys, watch the video to know how to keep the contact with the lady. For the ladies: your head is going with your shoulders. At the end of the turn, you comb your hair and look for the guy.

Next week more!

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