Zouk made in Germany

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Month: April 2015 (page 4 of 4)

07.04.15. Beginners. Cambré after a left turn (left up right down)

Hi everybody!

Cambré is a very important step for the beginners and for zouk. For some other dances like salsa or tango the ladies can go to the parties and learn some tricks, but in zouk you can heart yourself if you try to do some steps without knowing the tecnique. Cambré is one of these steps.

We will do a left turn with the right hand down and the left hand up. Guys, make some space on your right side for the lady to be comfortable. You will lead a elastic with your body. You go with the left hip to the left, so the lady is going with the hips to the front. You will bring the lady down and the lady is doing the preparation for the cambré (pelvis to the front, chest is in, contract your center, head to the front).

Ladies, you will feel the arm of the guy on your back, please, press a little bit against the arm to feel the leading of the guy. Guys support the lady if she is doing the cambré but ladies, don’t trust the guy and keep your own balance. While going back, the ladies have to go to the front with the knees. The pelvis is the hole time to the front and you contract your center. The last part of your body going back is your head.

To bring the lady to the front, guys, start bending your upper body to the left and do a wave to the side and help the lady to do the wave to the front.

Have fun!

01.04.15. Intermediate. Bumerangue from cross step and elastic behind the guy.


We start with the first three steps of the cross step. From here we want to dance the bumerangue but the guys have to turn too. Guys, lead the lady to the front with both hands and then bring your left hand up over the head of the lady while turning to the right. If you let your right hand over her back after the turn, then you will get easily the left hand of the lady.

For the ladies we have seen one more possibility for the ladystyling, twisting with more energy.

That was the first variation. But after the bumerangue of the lady we show you how to turn the lady on the line and do the elastic behind of the guy. For this you can check this video too:


Have fun!

01.04.15. Easy head movements with a turn on the spot and cambré.


These beginners are doing nice things!

Left turn and the beginning of the head movement.

Guys: You let on 2 your right hand on the shoulder blade of the lady and press to the front.

Ladies: You have a new contact point, so you have to press against it to feel the leading. Don’t try to look at the guy, don’t focus and let the head goes from one side to the other.

Head movements.

Guys: don’t get the neck of the lady, the ladies don’t like it, they are not a chicken ;-) Watch the video to see where to lead the move. Try to be in the opposite side of the lady.

Ladies: Transfer your weight with your head (the same leg). The head movements are breathing, you have to open your chest if your head is on the side. If your head is in the front, you chest is back, making some space for your head to be over your center. Don’t bend to the front! Your left hand is free, don’t let your hand die! Some tension for the hand is better.

Turn on the spot.

Guys: watch in the video the place to lead the move, the basis of the neck.

Ladies: If you are doing anything with the upper body and you are turning on the spot, your axis is the same leg as the direction of the turn. For example now you are turning to the left, so your felt is staying on spot.


Guys, block the lady going to the front with your left hip. Don’t bring the lady back for the cambré, because she will loose her balance. Just let the lady go in the cambré.

Ladies, for the cambré put yor pelvis to the front and contract your center (that’s the most important thing everytime you are doing cambré).

31.03.15. Advanced. Deep cambré after turning on one leg.

Hi everybody!

We will learn today two things: How to go up and turn on one leg being in front of the partner and how to do the deep cambre. Please warm up your body and do these steps under your own responsibility.

For going up:

During the left turn of the lady, guys, you are moving around the lady (to your right). If she goes on 1 with the right foot you will do a preparation down and use the energy after the turn to have a centrifugal energy. Watch the video to know where to put your right hand (this connection with the lady is very important). Imagine the axis of the lady to help her to keep her balance. Your arms support the lady.

Ladies: your energy is little bit back (not to the front, in this case you loose your balance) and down (you press with the left arm down, your shoulder is also down). Think about the connection to the partner, don’t turn your upper bdy to the left or to the side. Your left foot is connected with your left shoulder, they are traveling together.

For the deep cambré: Guys, let the lady turn a little bit more and look for the contact between the right side of your body and the right side of her body. This contact will slide down (till the lady lie on your leg). You will go down in your left knee and stretch your left leg to the side. Pay attention about your center and the center of the lady for not loosing your balance.

Ladies: Watch the video to see how Claudia is going further with the left foot. Keep the contact with the side of the guy, that’s your support. If you go up, you will get the energy from your legs (not from your back), you will breath and bring the pelvis up.

31.03.15. Beginners 1. Outside turn to the right from lateral step for the guys and left turn with the hand down.


In zouk there is a difference between a normal zouk turn (the third step on the spot) and a turn on the line (the third step opens to the side). In this video you will learn, that there is a difference in the leading too. In a turn on the line, the guy is leading the three steps in the same direction. In a normal zouk turn the guy is leading two steps in one direction and a third step in the opposite direction.

The turn of the guys: First bring the lady to the front and then you will turn to the rigt, with your left hand over your hand (like holding a pizza). Try to have your hand close to your head. After the turn you should bring the hand down. Watch the video to see how to change the grip of the hand.

For the ladies: You do a normal lateral step. The guy is doing something new (he is turning!) but stay relax and focus your upper body to him.

The turn for the ladies. We are dancing today a zouk turn, so you go two steps in one direction and the third step you come back. The same for the leading, two steps in one direction and the other step you have to come back.

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