Zouk made in Germany

Free dance lessons

Month: Mai 2015 (page 4 of 4)

05.05.15. Intermediate /adv. Titanic with head movement on the spot and head movement on the line.


For the guys:

  • The head movements are the difficult part. Practise the head movements like in slow motion for you to understand better. While doing the first head movement you transfer the weight together with the lady and with your right elbow up and some more energy you continue the leading for the circle backwards.
  • For the second head movement, first bring the lady to the left on 1 and on two you start the leading for the head. At the beginning your right hand is on her shoulder blade and then you move your hand to the front part of the shoulder.

For the ladies:

  • Think on stretching the opposite side while doing the head movements on the spot. You are always making one side longer (the opposite).
  • Press against the contact of the guy to feel the leading.
  • For the turn on the line stay with the head to the left on 1, on 2 you bring the head to the front (your chest is in, your pelvis a little bit to the front) and on 3 you bring the head up.

Today we did this step too:


05.05.15. Beginners. Long left turn on the line (Bumerangue) from lateral.


We can lead the long left turn on the line (bumerangue) directly from lateral.


  • Dancing the lateral you bring the lady with your left into the line and after that you turn her. Let your hand over her head and on the second 1 you bring the hand done.
  • You do the first three steps on the spot, after that you go two steps to the front and one step backwards.
  • The last turn is another turn on the line, first you lead the line and after that the turn.


  • Imagine a line and walk the line.
  • Don’t turn with your legs opened. Watch the video to understand how to close your legs.
  • After the last turn, feel the hand of the guy on your back and don’t go to the front alone.

04.05.15. Intermediate. Combination: Titanic + bumerangue + elastic.


We were playing today with this combination.

For the first turn, guys, remember to lead the lady into the line (you go backwards and bring the lady with you) and after that lead the lady along the line, don’t stop leading. For the ladies, do your steps on the line and at the end you can go on your right knie.

You can go after that so many steps as you want, but for the bumerangue the lady has to start with the left foot.

Ladies: Turning back from bumerangue remember to close your legs while turning. After the turn you will feel the arm of the guy on your back and you have to press a little bit agains the arm to feel the leading. Guys: Give a impulse to the front and up for the elastic. The lady hast to transfer the weight to the front and back and to lead it is your mission :-)

Have fun!

04.05.15. Beginners 1. Find new possibilities for the turn just changing the hands.


Today a little explanation about cahnging the hands for the turns.

Guys, while leading a turn you can find new possibilities if you change the hands. Let your creativity be free! :-) You can watch today an example with an easy left turn.

Have fun!

03.05.15. Beginners 1. Basic step and left turn.

Hi everybody!

Today we started one new course  for beginners and we did the basic step and the left turn from the basic step. If you follow the link, you will find both steps:


Have fun!

03.05.15. Beginners 2. Circles with the chest on the spot and combination (lateral, left turn, circles with the chest on the spot and wave reverse).

A very short explanation about how to do the circles with the chest from the basic step staying on the spot. Your body needs some exercise to do this moves fluent. Be patient. Control your shoulders and your hips, you want to separate the move of your chest.

After that we did today a combination:

For the combination there are some important things for the guys and the ladies.

For the guys: After the left turn you will bring the lady to your left with your right hand on the left side of her body. Block the lady going like in slow motion. Your leading is painting a circle but please don’t forget the leading of the chest of the lady to the front and back.

For the ladies: If the guy is playing with your chest, please, press a little bit (not much) against his hands. In other way you cannot feel the leading. If the guy is leading the wave, you have you right free and you go with your right to the front.

For the wave reverse you can check this link.


Have fun!

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