Zouk made in Germany

Free dance lessons

Month: Januar 2015 (page 2 of 3)

21.01.15. Intermediate. Head movements on the spot + Shock

Hi everybody!

We started today with a very important movement for the ladies to understand how to do the headmovements on the spot.

Ladies: If you are doing half a circle with the head to the front:

1. You transfer the weight from one side to the other with your head.

2. You bend a little bit your knees.

3. You bring your pelvis to the front.

4. Your chest is in.

5. Your head is following the movement, your head doesn’t do an active movement.

If your head is going back, you have to stretch the front part of your body.

For the guys: You have to think about the shoulders of your lady, you’re leading her shoulders. For leading her arm up please watch the video to see where to put your hand.

For the “shock” step: Guys. You have to go three steps backwards and a fourth step to the front. In this moment you press the lady with the arm for she to go to the front and after that you hold with your right hand her arm. For the cambre of the lady: you lead her back and do the preparation for the cambre, the most important thing. After the cambre lead the lady up carefully.

For the ladies: your are doing your steps on the line. For the cambre please put your pelvis to the front, your preparation is the most important thing. Look for the contact with the hand of the guy on your back, so you can fell the leading.

Next week we will see some nice ends for both steps. See you!

20.01.15. Beginners 1. Cross-step.

Hi everybody!

Today we did a very beutiful and romantic step: the cross-step. I love it! I have always the feeling, I’m traveling with my partner if I’m dancing it.

For the guys: try to invite the lady in every movement. Your upper body is directed to the lady the hole time.

For the lady: your upper body has to be connected with the upper body of your partner, your shoulders are parallel to the shoulder of your partner. If you want to watch the step slowlier, please check this (subtitle in English):

See you next week!

19.01.15. Beginners 2. Long turn on the line from sidestep and turn for the guys.

Zouk is a good exercise for your mind: most of the steps you can dance to the left and to the right. We have for example a left turn and a right turn. Today we will do the same step, the long turn on the line (bumerangue) from the sidestep (lateral), in both directions.

At the beginning, guys: if you are doing the variation with the right turn for the lady you need to be placed in front of the lady but a little bit to the right. The line is for her, that’s the reason she has to move free on this line and we go away. For the leading don’t be close to the lady: In this case oou don’t feel the tension of her arms. Lead the lady to the front and turn her. While you’re turning, you hold your hands over the head of the lady, to help her keep the axis and don’t lose the balance. After her turn we go backwards and lead the sidestep (lateral).

For the ladiess: if the guy is pulling in one direction and after that he’s turning you, that means, you have to turn on the line. In this case you have to see and walk the line. But don’t forget to focus on the partner while turning.

Have a nice week!

19.01.15. Beginners 1. Little opening to the right.

Sometimes you will find on Zouk Germany similar videos for the beginners. The reason is obvius: the basics are the same for all the students in the beginner courses.

The last week we learnt the left turn from the basic step and today was the day for the little opening to the right.

For the ladies: Keep the contact with the hand on your shoulder blade, don’t go alone forward.

For the guys: it’s very good if you have the feeling, you’re opening an space on your right side. Be a gentleman with the lady and think always “the lady first”.

See you next week!

18.01.15. Intermediate. Sidestep behind the lady with two variations.


The two variations we did today:

1. Lead the lady for she to do the elastic again. She will transfer the weight to the right and after that to the left. Here you have to open a window with the left elbow and bring the lady through the window. For the ladies: go with your hips if you are doing the elastic.

2. For the second variation watch the video. When you go backwards, you open to the side and put your left hand in front of you. After that you do prision to the left side. When you are leading the lady to the right, first you lead and after that your left hand goes down. Let now the hands free for push the arms of the lady up.

Have fun!

18.01.15. Beginners 2. Easy head movements.

Today we started with some headmovements to understand how they work.

For the ladies: pay attention to your feet, you have to transfer the weight. If your head is on the right side, then your weight is on your right leg. If your head is on the left side, then your weight is on your left leg. Put your pelvis to the front if your head is painting a circle. forward. Your chest is in and you bring your ears to your shoulders on boht sides. And don’t let your free hand dead to the side, use your ladystyling.

For the guys: you don’t put your hand on the neck of the lady, be careful with your lady. You transfer your weight and you’re always on the opposite side of the lady.

See you next week!

14.01.15. Beginners 2. Bumerangue reverse and little steps


I hope you enjoy Zouk Made in Germany so much as me! It’s funny to do the videos and I’m happy if the videos are helping you.

The combination for today. Bumerangue reverse from the basic step for the ladies under the left arm of the guy.If you want to watch the bumerange reverse (a long right turn on the line) from the lateral step you can check this (subtitles are in English available):

After the bumerangue please guys, first bring your lady to the front and after that you can turn.

For the little steps the most important thing is to feel the center of the lady over her feet, so you can help her keep the balance. Watch the video for the opening, the leading with the right hand it’s important, so you can bring the lady on the line.

At the end the guys need to pull with both hands, so the lady is coming and after that we bring the hands over her head.

See you next week!

14.01.15. Intermediate. Combination with rond de jambe

Today we repeated a combination we did last December.

We start with lateral and rond de jambe. For rod de jambe please don’t forget to bring your lady a little bit down, to block her and to turn her on her left foot. The lady can paint a circle with the foot and her eyes can follow the foot.

After that we did elastic. Here you can play with the speed of te the step and with the music. You lead the wave with your body, you have contact with the body of the lady on your right side. You bring her to the front and help her with your body for the head-movement.

The head movement for the ladies. At the first step your head is on the left side. With the second step you bring your head to the front and at three you bring your head up. Think about the weight of your hair: that’s the secret if you don’t want to have the hair all over your face.

For the elastic: guys, we have to wait one step for the lady, we are doing the same steps as her while she is doing the elastic. You put both hands down together and press a little bit, so the lady can open her chest. If you are bringing the lady up, both hands paint a circle at the same level of the shoulders.

For the ladies: if you are going down, you bring your center over your feet, your pelvis is to the front, your chest is back and your neck is to the front. If you are going up, you are going the first with your hips.

For the last head movement, the leading of the guy is very important. Please, be careful if you are leading head-movements. You put your right hand on the shoulderblade and not on the neck of the lady.

See you next week!

13.01.15. Beginners. Basic step + little opening to the right

Hi everybody! Today we had the pleasure to start another beginners course in Bremen. We started with the basic step and after that we did a little opening to the right. For the basic step you can check this video too (there are subtitles in English):

For the little opening we said something important: the guys have to be always a gentleman and think “first the lady”. We invite the lady in every movement. For the lady: it’s important for you to keep your upper body directed to the guy.

See you next week!

12.01.15. Beginners 2. Lateral, turns, bumerangue reverse and cambré.

Today was the first day after the holidays and we wanted to repeat some steps to refresh our minds.

We did the combination lateral + left turn and lateral with right turn. For the guys: you can use your body for a better lead. If you watch the video you will heard “we cross the street”. That’s about using the body to block the way of the lady so she doesn’t do the lateral step but the turn. Our uperbody shows the lady the direction she has to go. For the ladies: you just need to do your third step always on the spot and direct your uperbody to the guy.

About the bumerangue reverse. For the guys: the lady has to do her steps on the line, so we have to go out of the line during the first “1,2,3” and after that you come back and do the basic step forwards. For the leading, your right hand is helping the lady to understand the turn and the left hand is painting a circle over the head of the lady. For the ladies: please, try to do your steps on the line and focus on the partner while turning.

For the cambré we will watch very soon a long explanation, but the most important thing for the ladies is to put your pelvis to the front while doing the cambre. If the guy is bringing you up, then you push up here with your right foot. For the guys: After the turn  you bring the lady to you and you have contact with her, there is no free space on your left side. VERY IMPORTANT: help the lady to do her preparation for the cambré and stay on the right foot. Then let her do the cambre and stay the hole time on the right foot. You don’t need to lead a deep cambré, please be careful with your lady.

See you next week!

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