Zouk made in Germany

Free dance lessons

Category: 2. Mondays (page 4 of 8)

04.05.15. Intermediate. Combination: Titanic + bumerangue + elastic.


We were playing today with this combination.

For the first turn, guys, remember to lead the lady into the line (you go backwards and bring the lady with you) and after that lead the lady along the line, don’t stop leading. For the ladies, do your steps on the line and at the end you can go on your right knie.

You can go after that so many steps as you want, but for the bumerangue the lady has to start with the left foot.

Ladies: Turning back from bumerangue remember to close your legs while turning. After the turn you will feel the arm of the guy on your back and you have to press a little bit agains the arm to feel the leading. Guys: Give a impulse to the front and up for the elastic. The lady hast to transfer the weight to the front and back and to lead it is your mission :-)

Have fun!

04.05.15. Beginners 1. Find new possibilities for the turn just changing the hands.


Today a little explanation about cahnging the hands for the turns.

Guys, while leading a turn you can find new possibilities if you change the hands. Let your creativity be free! :-) You can watch today an example with an easy left turn.

Have fun!

27.04.15. Intermediate. Pendulum.

Hi everybody!

Today we repeated the pendulum.


27.04.15. Beginners 2. Titanic.

Before we speak about the step, there was one important thing in today’s lesson: If there is no beat in the music, please don’t do your steps like with the beat. PLay with your partner, go in slow motion, do romantic moves, but don’t do 1-2-3, 1-2-3.

For the Titanic: Guys bring the ladies to the front into the line and turn her by 1 and then you change the hand. With your left hand you will get the left arm of the lady to stop her. Ladies: Go a little bit down on your right knee if the guy is stopping you.

After the titanic the guys can lead the bumerangue, and it could be the end of the move. But today we did something special. We will turn the lady and don’t let the hand free. After the turn, guys, you block the lady with the right hand on her hips and with your left under arm you lead the elastic.

Ladies: For the elastic you have a new contact on your back and you have to pay attention. Go with the leading of the guy.

Have fun!

27.04.15. Beginners 1. Cross step with a left turn for the guys. Opening to the right.

Hi everybody!

Today we repeated the step we did last week and after that we did the opening to the right.




Have fun!

20.04.15. Intermediate. Head movements walking backwards in the closed position and going around the lady.

Hi everybody!

We want today to do some head movements if the lady is walking backwards. We will end the move going around the lady.

For the guys:

  • The first leading for the head movement is very important. You go to the front a little bit in slow motion to give the lady some time to understand the new move. Then you will paint a circle with your right hand on the shoulder blade of the lady.
  • For every head movement you have to go first to the front. Go with your body to the front and if you see that the lady is going backwards, then you lead the head.
  • For the last circle, the lady needs more energy, so she knows, she doesn’t need to stop the move. Then guys you go around the lady bringing your left hand up. You will go close to the lady, getting her left hand with your right.
  • If you want, the lady goes up with the head, put some energy n your body for her to go up.

For the ladies:

  • Press a little bit against the hand of the guy on your back to feel the leading.
  • With the head movements your head is breathing to the side.
  • First go with your foot backwards and the you do your head movement.
  • Think about stretching the opposite side of your body if you are doing head movements.
  • The last circle you transfer the weight is your head is changing the side. At the end you stay on your left, so when the guy is turning you to the front you go with your right.

Have fun!

20.04.15. Beginners 2. The yo-yo turning 90° and easy head movements from yo-yo.

Hi everybody!

If you dance the yo-yo you can do little variations if the guy turns the body.

Guys, today it’s just about bringing the lady to you and turning 90° to the left. If you bring the lady to the front, lead her with your hole body and not just with the hand or with the arm.

Ladies, everything is like in the normal yo-yo. The last trun remember to do your steps on the line, your styling for the hands and to focus on your partner.

For the part with the head movements you can check this post:


20.04.15. Beginners 1. Left turn for the guys from cross step.

Hi everybody!

Today was a nice day :-)


  • You will lead the cross step. If you cross with the right feet, you will bring your left hand up on 3. After that you lead the lady into her lateral with your left hand over your head and you turn to the left. For the left turn: Do the third step on the spot and focus on your partner while turning.
  • The last thing it’s a left turn for the ladies. On 2 you will get the lady.


  • The most important thing in this combination is to do your third step on the spot by lateral and left turn.
  • Focus on your partner while turning.
  • If you turn to the left, you will hold your left arm in front of your chest.

Have fun!

13.04.15. Intermediate. Left turn behind the guy with both hands.

Hi everybody

A nice step for the intermediate without head movements, waves or spirals :-)

For the ladies we can say, please focus with your upper body on your partner.

For the guys: Pay attention for the second turn of the lady. On 1 your left hand is up, on 2 both hands have the same level and on 3 left is down and right is up. To look the lady to your right side will help you to do the steps. With the girl on your back you lead the turn with both hands and then you look to the lady to your left side.

Have fun!

13.04.15. Beginners 2. Easy head movements after a left turn.


If you follow this link, you will find the explanations of the step in the first part of the video.


Have fun!


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