Zouk made in Germany

Free dance lessons

Month: Mai 2015 (page 2 of 4)

19.05.15. Interm. / Adv. Combination: Titanic with head, pizza-turn, flamingo, pendulum and cambré.


We did today a nice combination for the intermediate and advanced dancers.

1 & 2: Lateral.

3 & 4: Titanic step.

5, 6 & 7: Turn on the line with head.

8 & 1: One more turn on the line to the right as usual and up.

2: Lateral.

3: Pizza turn.

4: Left turn for the lady

5 & 6: Flamingo up and go around the lady.

7: Pendulum.

8: Preparation for cambré.

1: Cambré.


Have fun and we see us next week!

19.05.15. Beginners. The ping pong step.


The ping pong step is a very popular zouk step. The ladies are dancing the lateral step, and the guys too crossing backwards but the position is other as usual.

For the ladies: Important to do your third step always to the front and to bend your upper body to your partner. With your arms: If you turn to the right you bring your right arm up. If you turn to the left, you bring your left arm up. You will change the arms always on two. If you don’t feel confident with the arms, just stay with the arms up and stretched the hole time.

For the guys: You do the lateral step crossing backwards and you change the hand. If you want to get the lady and do the basic step, you won’t go with the right to the right on 1 but you will cross with the right to the left and bring the lady into the basic step.

Have fun!

18.05.15. Beginners / Intermediate. How to change the prison step from one side to the other.

You can dance the prison step from one side to the other. It’s the same if you have danced the prison step to the left or to the right.

Guys, the first two steps you will turn the lady. The third step you will change the hands: one hand goes down and the other goes up. The forth step you want to keep the contact between your hand and her hips, you are holding just the fingers of the lady to have more space. Then you open with the fifth step.

Ladies, you are dancing this step like for an audience: you turn on the line and at the end your body is to the front, not to your partner.

You can end this step this the bumerangue (reverse if you start on the left side and normal bumerangue if you start on th eright side).

See you next week!

18.05.15. Beginners. Back on back from the lateral step.

Something very beautiful if you are dancing: you can go everytime out of the beat. Imagine you are dancing the lateral step and there is no beat in the music. Then you can lead this move in slow motion and after that you go again into the beat.

For the guys: You can lead this step in both directions. The leading hand is always the “inside” hand of the lateral step. Then you play slowly with your partner and you go on 1 into the beat again.

For the ladies: If you are turning at the end, remember, you go two steps and after that you have to come back. Have fun!

17.05.15. Beginners. Elastic.


Today we did the elastic and here you find the video and the explanation.


Have fun!

17.05.15. Intermediate. Titanic step with turn on the line and head movements.

Hi everybody!

Today we have a very popular step for the zouk world. We want to do turns on the line with head movements after the titanic step.

For the titanic, guys, you have to go backwards, bring the lady first to the front and if the lady is transfering the weight to the right you have to lead the turn. Then you change the hand and you have to be ready, because you need to get the left arm of the lady with your left hand to stop the lady. You are going just two steps and at the end, if you are landing with your partner on your right foot, you change the position of your hands like in the video to bring the head of the lady to the side. For the head movements try to support the lady the hole time with your left hand and with the right hand you lead the head movement. You are going with your partner.

For the ladies. When you feel that your partner plays with your shoulder line you have to go with the head to the side and not to focus with the eyes, relax your neck. For the turns on the line, the first step you just go (don’t move your head), the second step you bring your head to the front and the third step you open to the side. The second step is very important for you: put your chest in, go a little bit on your knees and your head is over your center. Don’t think about just going with the head to the front because in this way you will loose your balance. On the video you have a easy possibility for your ladystyling.

At the end you can do the bumerangue step.

Have fun!

13.05.15. Beginners. Improving leading and following by bumerangue step.


Today we want to speak about the connection with the partner for the ladies while dancing the bumerangue step.

Ladies: Imagine you are dancing the basic step in the close position and without belly contact with your partner. Then you have to focus on the hand on your back and you have to keep the connection with the hand. You think the hole time, you keep the connection back. If the guy is going to the front, you have to go active backwards for not to loose the contact.

We have something similar to this connection while dancing the bumerangue step. At the beginning the lady goes with a little bit resistance but when she goes to the other side, she has to go active backwards to keep the connection with the guy.

Have fun!

13.05.15. Intermediate. Bringing the lady aroud of you and leading a spiral.


A really nice combination because has a lot of zouk elements.

  • After the preparation for the cambré the guys bring the lady to her right with a torsion in the upper body. The ladies go with the right foot to the side and transfer the weight with the head. Ladies: Playing with your upper body it’s a opportunity to stretch the opposite side of your body.
  • Guys, you can lead so many circles as you want. After that you will go the the right side of the lady. Your right hand keeps the tension with her right arm. With the left hand you kann lead the head. For the ladies: you are turning on the spot to the right, so your axis for the turn is your right foot.
  • For the spiral: If the lady has the head to the front, guys, you will let the right hand free and get the right shoulder of the lady to help her for the spiral. Ladies, three things for the spiral. 1) You are now turning to the left, your axis for the turn is your left foot. 2) Try to keep the axis of your head always in the same direction. 3) Strecht the opposite side of your body. If your head is back, you will push with your hips to the front. If your head is to the front you have to close the front part of your body and stretch your back.

Have fun!

13.05.15. Beginners. Easy head movements staying in front of the lady.



If you are at the beginning of a song and you don’t have any beat in the music, you can try today’s combination.


  • Bring your right hand slowly over the head of the lady.
  • Playing with the shoulders you can lead the head of the lady from one side to the other.
  • Your right hand doesn’t touch her neck while leading.
  • The left hand will help the hole time. The left hand goes up if the lady has the head to her left and goes down if the lady has the head to her right.


  • Transfer the weight with your head. If your head is on your right side, you are on your right foot.
  • Put your chest in. In this way the head should stay over your center in the middle of the head movement.
  • If your head is on the side, your nose is to the front.

12.05.15. Intermediate / Adv. Titanic with head movements and more than one turn to the right.


Head movements from the titanic step are a really popular combination in the zouk world.

Ladies, the first step your head stays to the side, the second step your head goes to the front (your chest is in and you contract your center) and the third step you open. Guys, support the lady while leading the turn on the line with the head.

The new thing we did today was to lead more than one turn on the line to the right. Important for the guys:

  • Your right hand keeps the lady with the head to the front.
  • Your right elbow stays up.
  • Your left hand don’t stop the leading any time and continue till the end.

For the ladies, think about closing your ribs. Don’t think about bringing your head to the front, think about making some space for your head, so you are bringing your chest in.

At the end, the guys need to transfer the weight to the left before leading the lateral step.

Have fun!

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