Something important for the ladies today: if you re doing anything with your upper body and the guy turns you, how to go your steps? Easy: If you are turning to the left, your left leg is the axis of the turn and it stays the hole time on the spot. If you are turning to the right, your right foot stays on the spot.
For this step there is a important thing for both and that’s the leading for the elastic from this special position. Guys, watch the video to know how to use the energy. Look the place you have to put your fingers. Ladies: Your hand needs to be connected with your upper body. Don’t bend your elbow and don’t bring your shoulders up.
For the guys:
You have to lead the lady on the line, so you have to pull into the line at the beginning of her turn.
Look the video to see how to change the grip of your hands before you do the elastic.
First lead the elastic, then you go.
Relax your right hand after the elastic, so you can go with the hand in front of the lady.
For the ladies:
You are turning on the line, don’t forget how to do your steps.
Before the elastic, connect your arms with your body.
After the elastic, if you fell, the guys is relaxing his right hand, then relax your left hand.
1. A little exercise for you to practise how to do more than one basic step forward or backwards. Guys: you have to go staying with the same energy the hole time till you change the direction.
2. The second thing we did, it was the prison step. You can check it hier:
Technique is very important if you don’t want to heart yourself. We will learn today how to go down with your partner. PLEASE: Warm up your body and do the step under your own responsibility. These videos cannot replace a zouk teacher. They are like a map, so you know, the possibilities you have with zouk. BUt you need regular zouk lessons!
Ladies: if you are doing the “table cambré”, your feet are parallel under the line of your shoulders. Your knees go to the front. You try to sit over your feet. Your back is straigh and you look to the front. If you go up, you can use the energy of your legs to go up with the pelvis first, don’t get the energy from your back.
Guys: be prepared to support your lady and go down on your left knee. If you bring the lady up, let the move breath (watch the video).
A lot of dancers think that if they learn a lot of steps they will become masters. And that’s not true. The easy things, like a basic step with feeling, are not so easy.
Today you learn on the video how to transfer the weight, how to change from 1-2 to 1-2-3, and a little combination for you to practise.
Guys: you can lead the move with your right under arm at the same time as you transfers the weight from one side to the other. You can move free through the space, dancing the basic and keeping the contact with your partner. Be sensitive about your partner adn lead her carefully.
For the ladies: you have to press with your belly to the front and keep the contact with the guy. Your left arm is over his shoulders.
It’s really nice to have the possibility to show you beautiful moves.
Long turn on the line: For the ladies is a normal bumerangue. For the guys: After the first three steps, we will turn to the left and cross to the other side of the line of the lady.
Now guys, you lead the lateral and the and after that you turn to the right (for the ladies a normal lateral step). Guys: now you go down and you turn on your right leg. Keep the left hand on your right shoulder blade.
The turn of the spiral 1. If you want to see the spiral 1 slowly, you can check this post:
Guys: The first thing, bring the left hand as high as possible, so the spiral 1 is easier for the lady. The right hand goes up too, around the head of the lady. Ladies: stretch your body to the front while doing the spiral.
For the turn on the line with the head: Guys, your right hand goes up, bringing the head of the lady to the side. Ladies: Breath to the left side and stay with the head there as long as your right shoulder is up. When the guy brings the hand down, then you start the circle to the front with the head.
After the prison step and the long turn on the line (bumerangue) we can do a turn like in the video.
Guys: You are turning the lady with the right hand up and the left hand stays down. The right hand just holds the fingers of the lady. In this way you can get the left shoulder of the lady with your right hand. Go now in slow motion, briging the shoulder and the head of the lady to the side. Put your under arm on the back of the lady and help her to turn. If you want, the lady goes up, then you go with your body a little bit up too and the hands are following your body.
For the ladies. After the turn you will feel that the guy is bringing your left shoulder down, so your head goes to the side. You have a new contact ith the guy on your back: try to press against the under arm of the guy on your back. While turning on the spot (It’s the same everytime you turn to the right and do something with your upper vody), you will turn on your right leg, this is your axis. After the first step, the guy keep your shoulder on the same level, so your head goes to the front. Don’t go up alone and wait for the leading of your partner.
We say spiral if we are turning and our axis is not the normal axis (straight to the floor) but maybe another one (diagonal or parallel to the floor).
The steps are like the steps of a normal turn, hier nothing changes.
For the guys: You need today another grip for the hand. While bringing the lady to your left, you will change the grip of your left hand, so you can lead the elbow of the lady easily. While the lady is turning, your hand will stay on her shoulder level, not higher.
Ladies: you are not bending back, you have the feeling your are growing to the front, you stretch the front part of your body. Look with your eyes your right hand while turning.
The second variation is just for the guys to look more cool. You can stay with your back to the lady while you are leading, letting your right hand on your left shoulder. The same leading but now you are cool.
Thank you very much for watching our videos! See you next week!
If you want to try these steps at home, please, warm up your body and practise on your own responsibility.
Some advices for the ladies:
If you are turning on the line with your head to the side it’s difficult to keep the balance. try to contract your center and close your ribs.
Be careful if you are bringing your head to the front. Put your chest in for not to loose your balance.
Some advices for the guys:
The beginning of the head movements is very important. Watch in the video the preparation carefully.
Try to give support the lady while turning.
Do the head movements carefully, because she could loose easily her balance. Play with the shoulders, bringing the hands up and down, but very soft respecting the timing of the lady.
If you want to lead these steps at the party be careful, The lady has to be safe. If you think something is dangerous, please, protect your lady. The steps on the line are not recommended for the partys, because they need a lot of space. You can transforn every step in the line in a step in a circle. In this way you need less space (just your spot).