Zouk made in Germany

Free dance lessons

Category: 4. Wednesdays (page 4 of 8)

03.06.15. Intermediate. Turn on the line with head, spiral 1 and another turn on the line with head

Hi everybody!

We are dancing today one turn on the line with head, half of circle with the head too, one spiral and another turn on the line with head.

First turn on the line with head in the close position

Guys, the first step you bring your lady to the front and you go to the side. You bend your upper body to the right, helping her to start the head movement to the left. The second step you bring the lady one more step on the line, you lead her head to the front (both shoulders are parallel to the floor) and your right foot is between both feet of the lady. The third step you open on the line, lead the head of the lady to the left and get the right arm of the lady with your left hand. In this way you can start the leading for the spiral. Try to start the spiral without a pause.

For the ladies, at the same time you try to stretch and to relax your neck. First step head to the left, second step to the front, third step to the right. If you bring you head back for the spiral, don’t think on going back, think on stretching the front part of your neck, this point is very important for you.


On 1 you paint half of circle back, on 2 half of circle to the front and on 3 half of circle back again. On three guys, you can help the lady for her to open with the right hand over her head.

Ladies, watch the video to understand how to feel the hair (it’s not necessary your real hair, it could be an imaginary hair or weight hanging from the top of your head).

The second turn on the line with head.

It’s a normal turn on the line with head in the closed position. Like the first turn but without going with the right foot between both feet of the ladies. The guys don’t have to go in front of the lady.

The end

The guys bring the ladies in front of them. First step the head is to the side, second step the head is to the front, the third step the ladies go with the head up.

03.06.15. Intermediate. Spiral 1 (eyes-axis), elastic and cambré.


For the first spiral, ladies, you will look your left hand and think on stretching your upper body to the front. Guys, watch the video to see how to change the grip of your left hand and bring your right hand to your shoulder. For the beginning of the spiral you will go with your right to the right bending your upper body to the left. Give time the lady for to do her move, be a gentleman, invite her :-) . Look now to the other side and look at the lady.

For the elastic the guys need to lead with the body, you go with your hips to the side. If the lady is going into the elastic, the guys let the right hand free and get the shoulder blade of the lady. Now the ladies have contact with both hands of the guy and you have to keep the tension against both hands. Go little by little into the cambre and contract your center. Don’t do the cambre now if it’s a new step for you, watch first this video:


03.06.15. Beginners. Going with the hips: Lateral step for the guys and normal zouk turns

Today we did some exercises to improve your moves going with the hips. The secret: to push with the last foot to have some extra energy for the move.

These kind of exercises are very important for the quality of your dance.

Have fun!

27.06.15. “The door” with hips moves and different ends.


Today we were the hole lesson exploring just one step and some possibilities for it. But it was a lot of fun! If you heard the music and play with your partner you cannot do anything wrong :-)

Guys, you turn the lady to the left with your right hand up and your left hand down. We call this step “the door” because the lady is going like through a door and after that you have to close the door bringing your right hand down. With your left hand you just hold the fingers of the lady and with your under arm you have contact with her belly. You can play from this position, bringing the lady from one side to the other or painting a circle.

Ladies, if the guys paint a circle don’t be shy: stretch your legs and your botton backwards, go with your pelvis back.

For the end two possibilities:

1. You turn the lady again to the left. If you keep the contact with your left hand and her belly you will get again her right hand.

2. You turn on the line to the right and continue “the door”.

You can do the most of the zouk steps in a line or in a circle. At the end of this video you can watch how to lead this step at the beginning into the line.

Have fun!

27.05.15. Beginners / Intermediate. Ping pong with turn for the guys.


Normally if we are teaching this step in the class the guys are very happy, because it’s a easy step but you look cool ;-)

Guys, for this turn you have to learn to put your right hand in the place of your left hand. In addition you focus on your partner on 2. On 2 you have to look to your partner to your right side. Try to be a little bit faster than the lady.

For the ladies: Watch the video to know what to do with arms.

Have fun!

20.05.15. Beginners 2. Combination: Pulling the lady aroung of you bringing her to the left, lateral, left turn and elastic variation 1.


For the guys: We start the combination from the lateral step bringing the lady to the right. On 1 you will change the hand (watch the video to see how). Feel the tension with the lady and bring the lady around of you, looking to the left for her to go to your left side. If the lady is going on 1 with the right, you can push the lady, for her to be in front of you. Don’t forget to slide your left hand till you get her right hand. After the left turn yoou need some distance to lead the new variation of the elastic step. For not to hit the lady, look on 3 with the left to your left and get the lady with your right hand on 1.

For the ladies: don’t go alone around the guy. You can make some resistance for keeping the connection with your partner. Keep the connection too with your upper body to your partner.

Have fun!

20.05.15. Beginners. Elastic variation 1, looking to the front.


Today we have a nice and easy variation for the elastic.

Guys, normally if you lead the elastic, you let by one your left hand on the belly of your partner and go around her looking at her. Today’s variation is very easy: Don’t let your left hand on the belly and go on 1 looking to the front. You can look by three over your left shoulder to see the lady coming backwards and on 1 you get the lady with your right hand.

For the lady: you are dancing the elastic, nothing changes.

20.05.15. Intermediate. The ball together with the partner.


Today we’ve learn the ball together with the partner. If you want just to see how to do the steps alone, check this video:


If you are doing it together with your partner:

Guys: Your arms are pressing up, keeping and feeling the frame with the partner. You will start bending with the upper body to the right if you go by one with the right. The move comes from your upper body. Then, when you go with the left backwards, you start bending your upper body to the left and turning 90° to the left too. Continue turning every 1-2-3 another 90° to the left. If you want to end the move, you will go on 1 with the right, on 2 the head of the lady is in the center and on 3 you bring the head of the lady up.

Ladies: Your are pressing down to keep the contact with the guy. You are thinking the hole time on stretching the opposite side of your body. Your head is following your shoulders.

Have fun!

13.05.15. Beginners. Improving leading and following by bumerangue step.


Today we want to speak about the connection with the partner for the ladies while dancing the bumerangue step.

Ladies: Imagine you are dancing the basic step in the close position and without belly contact with your partner. Then you have to focus on the hand on your back and you have to keep the connection with the hand. You think the hole time, you keep the connection back. If the guy is going to the front, you have to go active backwards for not to loose the contact.

We have something similar to this connection while dancing the bumerangue step. At the beginning the lady goes with a little bit resistance but when she goes to the other side, she has to go active backwards to keep the connection with the guy.

Have fun!

13.05.15. Intermediate. Bringing the lady aroud of you and leading a spiral.


A really nice combination because has a lot of zouk elements.

  • After the preparation for the cambré the guys bring the lady to her right with a torsion in the upper body. The ladies go with the right foot to the side and transfer the weight with the head. Ladies: Playing with your upper body it’s a opportunity to stretch the opposite side of your body.
  • Guys, you can lead so many circles as you want. After that you will go the the right side of the lady. Your right hand keeps the tension with her right arm. With the left hand you kann lead the head. For the ladies: you are turning on the spot to the right, so your axis for the turn is your right foot.
  • For the spiral: If the lady has the head to the front, guys, you will let the right hand free and get the right shoulder of the lady to help her for the spiral. Ladies, three things for the spiral. 1) You are now turning to the left, your axis for the turn is your left foot. 2) Try to keep the axis of your head always in the same direction. 3) Strecht the opposite side of your body. If your head is back, you will push with your hips to the front. If your head is to the front you have to close the front part of your body and stretch your back.

Have fun!

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