Zouk made in Germany

Free dance lessons

Category: 2. Mondays (page 7 of 8)

02.03.15. Beginners 1. Bend to the front from basic step or elastic.

Hi everybody!

Here you find the step we did today. Have fun!


23.02.15. Beginners 2. The Thrower.

Guys, even if you are beginner you can do some cool moves dancing zouk ;-) While leading the side step (lateral) to your right side, you will go just two steps, the lady is going three steps.

- The lady do 1 & 2 and you do just 1.

- THen you do 3 together to the side, opening a little bit to the right.

For the arms I will give you two possibilities:

- You change the hand (you get the right hand of the lady with your right hand).

- You get arm of the lady.

While giving the momentumto your left you go againg just two steps and the lady goes three steps.

For the ladies I want to say just one thing: if you turn to the left, you have to take care about your left arm, so bring the left arm up while turning closed to your face (in this way you don’t hit your partner).

Have fun!

23.02.15. Beginners1. Bend to the front (elastic) from basic step.

Dear people,

today we have learnt a very beautiful step for the beginners: the bend to the front or elastic.

The idea is we have big energy and tension leading the lady up, this tension disappears suddenly and the lady falls down like in slow motion.

Steps for the lady: we go with our foot first, our hips, we open the chest and stretch the neck. After that we bend to the front with a little bit drama. It’s very importat to learn this part very good because you will use it a lot of times dancing zouk. By going backwards we bring our left arm up.

Guys: do your steps with your upper body facing the lady. By one the leading goes in diagonal to you and up (tension) and after that you let the hand of the lady free (relax and bend for the lady). At the time you let the hand of the lady free, you have to put soft your right hand on the belly of your partner. So yoour lady knows where you are everytime.

16.02.15. Intermediate. Circles with the chest and wave from the chest and from the hips.

What can we dance if we don’t have any beat on the music?

There are a lot of possibilities for playing with your partner. Today we want to isolate our chest to learn how to lead the upper body in a circle or in a wave (from the chest or from the hips too).

Guys, watch the video and if you are trying to lead the lady, be sensitive with the lady, your hands have to be sensitive. Take care about your fingers, you want to have contact with the lady with the hole hand. If you don’t want the lady loose her balance you have to control the center of the lady and try to keep her center over her feet.

For the ladies: don’t anxious and wait for the leading. Try to understand where is the leading and isolate this part of the body, don’t do the moves without control.

Guys, if you are practising this moves with a new lady at the party, first look with a soft leading and enough time if the lady understands you. If don’t, please don’t force the move.

16.01.15. Beginners 2. Big opening to the right (closed position)

We have learned a little opening to the right (watch the video: little opening to the right) and now we want to lead a variation.

Very important: guys you are bringing the lady to you but you are moving to the side, so the lady has always enough space. The first step the lady goes withthe right foot between your legs and the second step you go with your right between the legs of the lady.

Ladies, keep the contact on your back with the guy, so you are not falling to the front. The frame (arms and shoulders) stay the hole time with the same energy. Another important thing is to focus with your upper body on the upper body of your partner.

A variation: Guys, you can lead the turn on the spot together (watch the video: turn on the spot together) and if you are going on one with the left foot you can lead the big opening.

Have fun!

16.02.15. Beginners 1. Combination side step + left turn + side step again.

Today we learn a very easy combination to practise the side step (lateral) and the left turn.

For the ladies: You are going always with your third step on the spot, keeping your chest to the partner and if you are turning, you take care about your left arm for not to hit the guy putting the arm in front of your chest and your left elbow in front of your left shoulder.

For the guys: Before you lead the turn you have to “cross the street”. You go in front of the lady but a little bit to the left. When you turn the lady you can choose if you are doing the basic step or another side step (lateral) after the turn. If you do the basic step, you let your right hand on two on the back of the lady. If you want to do another side step, you let your hand slide till you get the left hand of the lady and you open with the right foot to the right, so the lady has enough space for her side step.

See you next week!

09.02.15. Intermediate / Advanced. Lateral with headmovement and spiral.

Hi everbody!

Today we did a beautiful headmovement. If you try it at home, please get first warm and do the step on your own responsibility.

For the headmovements the head is not active. Your head ladies is always following the shoulder line. Guys: you are playing (careful) with the shoulder line of the lady.


  1. For the first sidestep (lateral) is very nice if you bring your head to the left side breathing and opening your chest. The second step you stay with the head to the left side and between 2 and 3 paint half of circle with your head to the right. By painting a circle to the front you bring your chest back.
  2. For the turn you will bring your head back and to the left side again. If your head is back you try strecht the frontal part of your body. When your head is down, pay attention because you don’t know what’s coming next. Try to be connected with the guy.
  3. If you are doing headmovements please do short steps.


  1. Your arms will be a little round, like holding a ball.
  2. For the first step of the lady you start bringing the left arm up und the right down. The second step you stay in this position, doing your steps and going in front of the lady. The third step you change the frame (now left is down and right is up). you are a little bit to the left, so the lady has enough space for her turn.
  3. If you do the turn with the spiral, you bring first the lady into the turn pulling with your right hand and after that you change the frame: the right hand starts to go down and with the left hand you paint a circle first up and after that down.
  4. Now you are finished und you need just to bring the lady up.

Some more important things for the leading:

  • Try to lead from your upper body.
  • Be careful about your lady if you are dancing it in a party, don’t be rude.
  • The lady needs the feeling, she has a lot of space. Ask the lady for her feedback to improve you leading.

09.02.15. Beginners 2. Turning together on the spot.

Hi everybody!

We have three kinds of turn for the beginners:

  1. Zouk Turn.
  2. Turn in a line or line turn.
  3. Turn on the spot.

Today we are learning how to turn on the spot together.

Some important things for both:

  1. You need to keep te contact with the legs.
  2. You stay in front of your partner and please don’t turn your upper body to the left or to the right.
  3. Your back is round and you let the energy go back. Don’t fight against the energy trying to go to the front.
  4. Try to be connected in the upper body with your partner.

Guys: for the end try to use the energy you have in the circle transforming it for the next step. This way makes yoour step more fluent.

Have fun!

09.02.15. (a good day ;-) ). Right turn from basic step.

Hi everybody!

We have in zouk different kinds of turns. We call “zouk turn” to the most popular turn: the first two steps go in a line and after that we come back, just transfering the weight to the other foot, so you do your thrid step on the spot.

If the lady is turning with the right foot to the right we say “right turn”. If the lady is turning with the left foot to the left, we call it left turn.

Today we will learn the right turn from the basic step. If the lady do her basic step, she is going with the right forwards. Here she needs space to turn, guys, the step before you are leading the right turn, you let lady go and do your steps on the spot. The right hand will slide from her shoulder blade till her hand. While she is turning you cross with the left in front.

An important thing for the leading: while turning your hand is painting a circle over the head of the lady. By 1 and 2, the hand is moving to the left and by 3 the hand is coming back to the right (so the lady needs to do the third step on the spot). Also if a turn ends, guys you have to bring down the hand that leads. In this way, the lady knows that the turn is over.

Ladies: don’t forget your third step on the spot. You hold your arms in front of your chest. If you turn to the right, your right elbbow should be in front of your right shoulder. If you bring your right elbow more to the side you can heart your partner, be careful.

See you next week!

02.02.15. Intermediate. The lady will be blocked and long turn backwards.

Share our videos and let’s conquer the dance world with zouk!

We hope the videos of Zouk Germany help to to have more fun with your dance partner at the parties. Please! Share the videos with your friends! Let’s conquer the world with zouk!

Today’s step

A nice combination today! I really like this effect with the lady going to the front, be blocked and come back. Guys: Don’t be shy with your leading, bring the lady really to the front and block her. If you want that your leading be clear, you need to be sure about the direction of the leading and the direction of your steps. For the first left turn you travel with the lady to your right. After that you need to bring the lady to you in a line and after backwards in a line too.

For the ladies: the critical point is to stay with some tension on your left arm after the guy is blocking you. Without this tension you will lose the momentum for the turn.

You can combine this step with the step of the last week.


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