Zouk made in Germany

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Category: 3. Tuesdays (page 7 of 8)

03.03.15. Advanced. Turn on one leg from lateral and “Tic-Tac”

Really nice move our Tic Tac!

“What? Tic Tac?”

We call the step tic tac if the lady is bringing the head from one side to the other side without painting a circle back or to the front.

Guys, if you are leading the lateral to the left you go in slow motion for the lady to understand, now something special is coming and to keep her center over the left foot. You will turn her 270° and block her. How to block? Your right under arm stops her upper body and the left hand blocks the move over the head of the lady. After that you pull with the left hand to the left and with the right hand to the right, so the lady transfers the weight to her right but she goes first with the hips stretching the body (the head falls to the left) and after that with the head to right. At the same time you have to turn: your left hand go through the window and you bring your right over your head. Now you have to bring the lady to the other side, first pulling with the right hand (so she transfers the weight) and then changing the position of her shoulders (in the video we show two possibilities, with the hand in front of the lady and with the hand behind). While leading the head movement, the first step you help the lady to transfer the weight and after that the head goes.

For the ladies: While turning on one leg, you have to keep your center over your foot and go a little bit up.

It’s very important for you to understand that sometimes the guy lead your head from one side to the other side without painting a circle to the front or back. In this case, the guy helps you to transfer the weight and then he plays with the position of your shoulders. If the guy brings you to the side, you go first with the hips, you stretch the side of your body and at the end you go with the head. You will repeat it to the other side. For the last head movement, the first step you transfer the weight to your right without going with the head, the second step you bring your head to the front (your chest is in) and at the end your head goes to the side.

Next week we will see some variations for the head at the end of the step.

Have fun and see you next week!

03.03.15. Beginners 1. Two combinations: lateral-right turn-lateral and lateral-left turn-elastic.

Hi everybody!

1. Combination Lateral – right turn – lateral again.

To learn the first of today is a very important thing because normally in traditional zouk the guys are leading the lady to his right with a lot of left turns for her. Today we will do the opposite: the guys lead the lady to his left and the lady turn to the her right.

You are leading the lateral step. While bringing the lady to the left, you have to cross the street and be in front of the lady (a little bit to the right). The ladies do the lateral step. Now guys you turn the lady with your right hand on 1 and you cross with the left in front. On 2 you let your left hand on the back of the lady and on 3 you slide your hand till you get the right hand of the lady. You should be again on the other side of the street. After that you turn the lateral to your left. After the turn you should be in the same position as before.

For the ladies: we use the same tecnique for the right turn as for the left turn. The first step you go on the line, the second step too but not so long and the thrid step you twist and come back to the right.

2. Combination lateral – left turn – elastic.

A very easy combination for you to practise.

Guys, lead the lateral step. If you bring the lady to your right, you cross the street. At the end you are in front of the lady a little bit to the left. You will lead the left turn and your third step you come back, so you have more distance between you and your partner and you can feel the tension in the arm of the lady. From here you lead the elastic and you go around the lady. Your upper body is by the way to the lady and you do your steps close to her.

Ladies, your upper body try always the face your partner. While turning you go your third step on the spot. If you do the elastic with a little bit drama is nicer ;-)

24.02.15. Beginners 1. Bend to the front (elastic) from basic step.

The elastic or bend to the front: a really beautiful step!

About the video there is just one thing to add: for the elastic, guys, you have to change the way you are holding the right hand of the lady. Your left hand is facing to the ceiling and your fingers have energy. For the ladies there is today a rule to learn: we get the hand of the guy on the way he is holding our hand and exactly with the same energy.

All other things are in the video.

Have fun!

24.02.15. Intermediate. Boneca turning to the right holding both hands.

Hi everybody!

Some important things for today:

Ladies: After the turn you will feel the arm of the guy on your back and you have to keep the contact with it, if you are connected with the arm, you will understand the leading. While turning, close your ribs for a better balance. Your right hand up have some tension agains the left hand of the guy. When the leading brings your shoulders in the same line, your chest is in, helping you with the head movement.

Guys: the preparation for the head movement is a difficult and an important leading. Bring your upper body a little bit back and the right hand up at the same time, so the lady understands you better. Then you push with the right arm for her to go to the front and turn. Your left hand will press down to support the lady. You will bring the right arm over the head of the lady. When she is doing the head movement, bring the head up when the head is almost in the middle.

Next week more!

17.02.15. Advanced. Turn on the line with head movement to the front and spiral.

Hi Everybody!

We continue with the step of the last week (watch the video here), with a variation and leading at the end one spiral.

The variation: Guys, we will go around the lady while turning her, so you can transform the energy of the lady in a wave from the hips when she goes with the right foot.

For the spiral: Guys, you don’t stop the head movement, you continue the head movement fluently. You are leading the shoulders of the lady like in a circle (watch the video). For the ladies: if your head is to the front, you bring your chest in. If your head goes back, you think on stretching the front part of your neck. When you do the spiral, the steps are like in a simple turn but crossing (here you will find some more explanations).

The step of the next week will be very cool, I cann wait for it!! ;-)

17.02.15. Beginners 1. Combination basic step, side step, left turn, wave and basic step again.

Hi everybody!

A easy combination for beginners: Basic step, side step (lateral), left turn, wave and basic step again.

For the basic step and for the side step we have nothing to say now. Before you start with the turn, guys, you have to “cross the street” and be in front of the lady (a little bit to the left). You lead a left turn for the lady (ladies: please do your third step on the spot and while turning take care of your left arm for not to hit the guy). Guys, on to two you get the lady aganing.

After turn you want to lead the wave: You will bring the lady to you like in a wave and go with the left foot to the front and not backwards. If the wave is over, you let the lady transfer the weight to her left foot and lead the basic step.

For the ladies: during the wave keep the contact the hole time with the hand of the guy.

10.02.15. Intermediate / advanced. Wave to the side with the hips and head movement.

Hi everybody!

We repeat today the steps of the last weeks and started a new one.

  1. Head movements behind the lady and turns.
  2. Spiral 2.

For the wave to the side with the hips you have to go little by little to the side first with the hips, then with the flank, the shoulders and at the end the head.

Guys: for the leading of the wave you push with your left hand the opposite hip and block the upper body of the lady holding the right hand to the right. You can lead the wave if you bring your left hand up and your right to the left. For the wave in the other direction you start pulling with the right hand to the right and blocking with the left the upper body of the lady, so she is going with her hips. Then you let the left hand go down.

For the turn with the head movement you push with the left hand (in this wayy the lady is going into the line), your right hand come to her shoulder and when she is facing you, you bring her both shoulders in the same line (parallel to the floor).

For the ladies: the move with your hips is fluent, you recommend you to practise at home in front of the mirror. For the head movement you stay by 1 to the side, by 2 your head is in the center and you contract (your chest is in, your pelvis is to the front) and by 3 you bring your head just up. Of course there is more possibilities for the head but the is leading now this one.

So! We hope you enjoy and we see us next week!

10.02.15. Beginners 1. The wave.

Hi everybody!

The first time you see people dancing zouk you have the feeling the dance is very fluent. The step of today is a perfect example: the wave!

For the wave you have to learn to isolate your chest, bringing your chest to the front and back.

For the ladies: the most important thing to understand that the guy is leading the wave, is keeping the contact with the hand on your back. You have to be connected with the guy.

For the guys: at the beginning is difficult to coordinate your body. You go to the front with your shoulders and your chest transfering the weight to the front (your left foot) and at the same time you lead the lady to you.

One advice: don’t think, you are going down while doing the wave.

Have fun!

03.02.15. Advanced. Spiral 2.


We did a very cool move in Bremen today . The zouk world call it “spiral” (we have two kinds of spirals, today we did just one) and maybe the dancers from MZouk (Spain, I hope, we can speak in the future slowly about Meister Gege and the spiral dancers) were the first on create this step (I prefer to say not create but “discover” for the rest of the zouk world).

A spiral is a special turn, where the axis of the turn is not the classical axis in a line (90° to the floor) with the head straight but with the head in another direction.

We did a exercise to practise the movement of the head. Here the lady put the head on chest of the guy and turn keeping the contact and looking up and down while turning.

Then we did a turn with a spiral. Five things:

1. Guys, the leading is like painting a circle.

2. The lady is crossing always with the right (if you are turning to the left, your are turning now aroung your left foot).

3. Ladies: keep the center strong.

4. Ladies: your body has to follow your arm, don’t go with the body first.

5. Fix a point on the floor and use it for keeping the direction of your head.

For the guys: if you want to turn you need to continue leading with the idea of painting a circle. If the lady if behind of you, dann you change the hand and don’t stop with the leading.

Have fun and see you next week!

03.02.15. Beginners 1. Sidestep or lateral and left turn from basic step.

We did today the side step or lateral step (we repeated it, if you want, you can go down in this blog) and the left turn from the basic step.

For the left turn we spoke today about the preparation for the leading. The preparation is always the oposite: if want that the lady goes up, you do the preparation down. If you want that the lady turn to the left, you do the preparation to the right.

See you next week!

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