Zouk made in Germany

Free dance lessons

Month: April 2015 (page 3 of 4)

14.01.15. Beginners 1. Combination, right turn, yoyo and wave.


Today we did a nice combination for understanding the differences between turning on the line or going a normal zouk turn.

After the right turn from lateral we can lead the yoyo directly. Guys, make some space on your right side and ladies take care about your right arm. After that is the time for wave. Guys, lead the wave from your upper body and ladies wait for the leading of the guy, think about the new connection with the arm on your back and press a little bit against it.

Now guys, if you are turning the lady to the front you can choose between a turn on the line and a normal zouk turn. For a turn on the line you will lead the three steps of the lady to the front. For a normal zouk turn you will lead two steps to the front and the last one back. Ladies, don’t open alone after the turn, wait for the leading. Control your right hand after the turn because at the party we don’t have enough space and you could hit other dancers .

The last turn is very important. Guys: first pull to you, then you lead the turn of the lady and then you let the hand free. On 2 you get the lady again. For the ladies: Go your steps on the line. After your second step you will close your legs. In this way your legs are crossed on 3. Don’t fall to the front, wait for the contact of the guy on your back.

Have fun!

14.01.15. Beginners 1. Right turn from lateral.

Hi everybody!

In the oldtimes of zouk the ladies turned almost the hole time to the left. Today we try to use all possibilities we have. That’s the reason why it’ very important to learn to turn to the right and use the same tecnique than turning to the left.

For the ladies: Remember to go your third step on the spot while turning, bring your under arm in front of your chest and focus the hole time with your upper body on the upper body of your partner.

For the guys: Respect the line of the lady and go from one side to the other like “crossing the street”. Let your left hand on 2 on the back of the lady and slide the hand till you have her right hand.

Have fun!

13.04.15. Intermediate. Left turn behind the guy with both hands.

Hi everybody

A nice step for the intermediate without head movements, waves or spirals :-)

For the ladies we can say, please focus with your upper body on your partner.

For the guys: Pay attention for the second turn of the lady. On 1 your left hand is up, on 2 both hands have the same level and on 3 left is down and right is up. To look the lady to your right side will help you to do the steps. With the girl on your back you lead the turn with both hands and then you look to the lady to your left side.

Have fun!

13.04.15. Beginners 2. Easy head movements after a left turn.


If you follow this link, you will find the explanations of the step in the first part of the video.


Have fun!


13.04.15. Beginners 1. Left turn from cross step.


We do today a little variation of the cross step.

Guys: While crossing behind with the right, you will bring your left hand over your head. Then with the ladies on your right side you will lead a basic step and after that, with your right hand on her waist you will lead the left turn. You get the lady on two.

For the ladies: Take care about your arms while turning and put your under arms in front of your chest.

Have fun!

12.04.15. Intermediate. Turning on the spot togehter to the right with head movements.

Hi everybody!

We learn today how to do head movements while turning together on the spot. For the ladies: Please warm up your body before dancing this step and practise under your own responsibility.

Here you can remember how to turn on the spot togehter to the right:


Now we want to do some head movements while turning.

Guys: While turning you have to keep the same energy he hole time. The leading for the head movements comes from your upper body. Your arms are connected with the lady. If you go by 1 with the right, you will bend to the right, your right hands goes down and your left hand goes up. Then you bend back in a circle by 2 and 3. By the second 1 with the left your upper body is to the left. By two and three you will bend to the front. By the third 1 you start from the beginning.

For the ladies: Remember to relax your head and strecht the opposite side of the neck while doing the head movements. Connect your arms with the arms of the guy, your shoulders stay down. Don’t focus with your eyes while doing head movements.

The end. Guys: for opening the position, you bring the lady to your right side. Your right hand goes up and the left hand goes down. Ladies, close your ribs if you open and don’t transfer the weight to your heels because in this way you will loose your balance. A cambré for the end after the opening is possible too.

Thank you for follow this blog and for watching the videos!

12.04.15. Beginners 2. The self-hug.

Hi everybody! Today we just repeat the step we did two weeks ago and we did some exercises for the arms of the ladies.

Ladies: Maybe in other dances like in salsa you have a lot of tension in your arms but the tension in zouk is different. Relax your arms and try to be a little bit back to feel the connection with your partner. The connection, if you are dancing the lateral step, is not about pulling with your arms to you but staying a little bit back, so you have a natural connection without a lot of energy on your arms. Let your elbows and your wrists go down to be more feminine (elbows up are more masculine).

You can see here the explanation of the hole lesson:


Have fun!

08.04.15. Beginners 2 / Intermediate. Pendulum after ping-pong.


Today we learn another variation for the pendulum. Before practising these steps, please, warm up your body and do the steps under your own responsibility.

The ping-pong step.

A very popular step of zouk. The lady is doing the lateral step (third step on the spot) and the guy is doing the lateral step too but crossing backwards. Ladies, watch the video to see how Claudia is bringing the hands up and down for the turns.

The pendulum.

Watch the video of the pendulum:


Important for this variation of the pendulum: While the lady is turning to the left, the guy has to go around of the lady. On the third step the guys will bring the right hand up till the shoulder blade (with some contact under the axle) and then you bring the lady aroung of you to do the pendulum.

You find in the video two variations for the cambré with different expressions for the guys. Don’t forget a good preparation for the cambré.

Have fun!

08.04.15. Intermediate. Turning on the line and head movements on the spot from the lateral


Today we learn a nice step to understand how important are the shoulders for the head movements. Warm up your body and do this step under your own responsibility.

1. Head movement at the beginning from lateral.

Guys, you go back with the left leg, you bring the lady to the front and your left hand comes up and to you and your right hand comes down and to the front. Wacht the video to see how to lead the turn on the line. The beginning of the head movement is very important too. Ladies, you need the feeling that you are breathing to the side.

2. Head movement with contact on the shoulder line.

Guys, your right hand slides with contact till the axle of the lady. There you can control her shoulder line. Press to the front for the lady to go with the head to the front. Ladies, don’t focus with your eyes if you are doing head movements. Your head is following your shoulders. If your head is to the front, your chest is in making some space for the head movement. If your head is back, you bring your chest to the front.

3. The last head movement on the line.

Guys, bring your left elbow up and push with your right hand for the lady to go into the line. After her second step, you can press a little bit down for the lady to go with the head to the front and you bring the shoulder up for the lady to finish the head movement. Ladies, your head is following your shoulders. If you bring the head up, then you can focus again on your partner.

07.04.15. Advanced. Combination: turning with the head to the front, opening to the right, chassé, cambré and snake.


Some details for the step of today:

Turning with the head to the front and opening to the side.

Guys: You try to keep the contact the hole time with the lady. Your right hand slides and keep the contact first with the left arm of the lady, turn the lady and at the end, push her upper body and hold her arm. Your intention is to look at the lady. You go down on your right knee and your left leg is stretched.

Ladies: If you bring your head to the front don’t forget to put your chest in, so your head will stay over your center and you don’t loose your balance. While turning with your head to the front your pelvis is to the front too. Keep the contact with the leading of the guy. While opening pay attention to the ladystyling. Your right hand goes to the side and your eyes follow your hand. You go down on your right knee and strecht the left leg.


Guys: Watch the video to understand the leading down and up. You try to block the lady, in this way she can’t turn to you before doing the chassé. After the chassé, if the lady is transfering the weight to the left, you will turn the lady to you for the cambré.

Cambré and snake.

A typical cambré. Please don’t forget the preparation. For leading the wave, guys lead the shoulders of the lady and put your right elbow up. Watch how to transfer the weight while doing the snake and the second cambré. Ladies, if your head is to the front, your chest is in. If your head goes up, you push your chest to the front.

Have fun!

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