Zouk made in Germany

Free dance lessons

Category: 3. Tuesdays (page 4 of 8)

09.06.15. Beginners. Differences between a zouk turn and a turn on the line. Combination with both hands up.


Today you will learn one combinaton but in two different ways.

We call a normal turn “zouk turn” and it’s a turn if the ladies are going the third step on the spot. The first combination we use the hole time a zouk turn and the guys are going around of the lady.

In the second combination we want to dance the same but with turns on the line. For the turns on the line, the guys need to respect the line of the lady (don’t stay on her way). It’s important too to pull into the line. Guys you first lead the line and after that the turn.

Have fun!

02.06.15. Beginners. Combination: The little sun + snake.


We did today the little sun (the bumerangue variation with both hands up painting a circle). After the bumerangue step we want to go one more step (backwards for the guys and forward for the lady) and then we will go into the snake.

For the snake, guys, first you lead the lady to the front and if you see, she is going forward, then you pull with your left hand down and you bring your right hand to her left shoulder. To open a window you put your right elbow up, so the lady has enough space for the snake. You need to go one step to the left to feel comfortable.

Ladies, if you go into the snake you will go with your shoulders and with your head. If you goes with the head up, you will go with your chest to the front.

While opening please ladies, look before you stretch your arm, because at the party there are always a lot of people and you can hit somebody.

02.06.15. Advanced. Titanic step with a new beginning and a beautiful turn on one leg.


What a  nice class today!

The new beginning for the titanic step

Guys, during the lateral you change the hand (right up, left down) and you bring the lady into the line to the left. Your left hand will press to the left and up against the right arm of the lady. The right hand press down and let after that the right hand of tha lady free. In this way the right hand of the lady is going up like in a explosion. After that bring the lady to the right and then you can start the titanic step.

Ladies, go to the side with your hips. This step is about doing a wave to the right from the hips. Go first with the right hip to the side and stretch your upper body (right side). At the end your head goes to the right because the guy is bringing your left shoulder up.

Turn on one leg from titanic

Guys, in this step you have to control the center of the lady for help her to keep the balance. You want the lady just transfers the weight to the left and then you turn her on her left leg. Watch the video to understand how your right hand is leading up and to the right and how the left hand has to press to the left. After that you will lead the wave to the side from the hips like as before.

Ladies, keep the energy while turning. Go up with your body and try to stretch to the ceiling. There are two energies: one energy up and one energy down. They will help you to feel your axis. After if you go into the wave go first with your right foot and after that with your hips.

Aditional material

Have fun!

26.05.15. Intermediate. Titanic with head and circle on the left side & bumerangue with turn for the guys to the right.


We worked again with the titanic and the head movements on the line today. The new thing was to paint a circle with the head after the left turn on the line with head. For it, guys, you have to block the lady with your left hand and paint the circle with the right (you are playing with the shoulder line of the lady). Ladies, try to stretch the opposite side if you are doing the head movements. You have also to transfer the weight from one side to the other together with your head.

The second new thing was the turn for the guys while leading the bumerangue step (bonus) for the ladies. From titanic you lead on 1 the bumerangue but guys, you start to go with your left foot on 2. then if you go on 1 with your left you will turn to the right, go a little bit more on the line with the right feeling the tension between your arm and the arm of the lady and on 3 you come back for to lead the third step of the lady.

Have fun!

26.05.15. Beginners. Combination: “the little sun”, turn with both hands down, wave and ping pong.


We started today with the “little sun”. You can see the step here:


For the guys :

After that, you will turn the lady to her left with both hands down. Important:

1. You hold just the fingers of the lady.

2. You let the street of the lady free.

3. At the end you block her way, so you can lead the wave and the lady stays.

Now comes the wave. Lead the wave with your body.

Turning the lady to the right you will go with her and stop her with your left hand. Then we do the ping pong step.

For the ladies: The most important thing for you for this step is your ladystyling with the arms while dancing the ping pong. With the first turn to the left of the ping pong you bring your right hand up on 1, you change the arms on 2 (right goes down and left goes) and on 3 you will face your partner. From here you will always change the hands on 2.

Have fun!

26.05.15. Beginners. Bumerangue variation: The little sun.

I love doing easy steps in another way! Nothing important changes but the expression is different.

Guys: you just want today to lead the bumerangue step (or bonus) painting at the beginning a big circle (like a “sun”) with your hands. First bring the lady to the front and after that paint the circle. For the last turn, guys, let the right hand free and turn the lady with the left.

For the ladies nothing changes, just do the bumerangue step.

Have fun!

19.05.15. Interm. / Adv. Combination: Titanic with head, pizza-turn, flamingo, pendulum and cambré.


We did today a nice combination for the intermediate and advanced dancers.

1 & 2: Lateral.

3 & 4: Titanic step.

5, 6 & 7: Turn on the line with head.

8 & 1: One more turn on the line to the right as usual and up.

2: Lateral.

3: Pizza turn.

4: Left turn for the lady

5 & 6: Flamingo up and go around the lady.

7: Pendulum.

8: Preparation for cambré.

1: Cambré.


Have fun and we see us next week!

19.05.15. Beginners. The ping pong step.


The ping pong step is a very popular zouk step. The ladies are dancing the lateral step, and the guys too crossing backwards but the position is other as usual.

For the ladies: Important to do your third step always to the front and to bend your upper body to your partner. With your arms: If you turn to the right you bring your right arm up. If you turn to the left, you bring your left arm up. You will change the arms always on two. If you don’t feel confident with the arms, just stay with the arms up and stretched the hole time.

For the guys: You do the lateral step crossing backwards and you change the hand. If you want to get the lady and do the basic step, you won’t go with the right to the right on 1 but you will cross with the right to the left and bring the lady into the basic step.

Have fun!

12.05.15. Intermediate / Adv. Titanic with head movements and more than one turn to the right.


Head movements from the titanic step are a really popular combination in the zouk world.

Ladies, the first step your head stays to the side, the second step your head goes to the front (your chest is in and you contract your center) and the third step you open. Guys, support the lady while leading the turn on the line with the head.

The new thing we did today was to lead more than one turn on the line to the right. Important for the guys:

  • Your right hand keeps the lady with the head to the front.
  • Your right elbow stays up.
  • Your left hand don’t stop the leading any time and continue till the end.

For the ladies, think about closing your ribs. Don’t think about bringing your head to the front, think about making some space for your head, so you are bringing your chest in.

At the end, the guys need to transfer the weight to the left before leading the lateral step.

Have fun!

12.05.15. Beginners /Intermediate. Improving the leading the the follower skills. Walking and crossing steps and head movements on the spot.

Hi everybody!

We did today some exercises to improve our leading and follower skills:

  • Transfering the weight and walking. This exercise was very good for the guys to understand how to lead the lady, if you want that she cross to the front or backwards.
  • The second exercise with the head was good to understand the differences between painting circles with the leading or just bringing the head from one side to the other. Ladies: For your head movements think always on stretching the opposite side of your body.

Have fun!

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